Home»Personnel»Wycliffe Gordon

Wycliffe Gordon – trombone

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Tour Dates featuring Wycliffe Gordon

Date Ensemble Location Venue Country
11/29/1994 Wynton Marsalis Septet Live at the Village Vanguard New York, NY Village Vanguard United States
11/28/1994 Wynton Marsalis Septet New Haven, CT Shubert Theater United States
11/21/1994 Wynton Marsalis Septet Poznan Aula Uniwersytecka Poland
11/20/1994 Wynton Marsalis Septet Warsaw National Philharmonic Hall Poland
11/17/1994 Wynton Marsalis Septet Masterclass for young students Kraków Nowa Huta Cultural Centre Poland
11/17/1994 Wynton Marsalis Septet Bielsko-Biała St. Maximilian Kolbe Church Poland
11/15/1994 Wynton Marsalis Septet Strasbourg Palais de la musique et des congrès France
11/14/1994 Wynton Marsalis Septet Nancy Salle Poirel France
11/13/1994 Wynton Marsalis Septet Lyon Maurice Ravel Auditorium France
11/12/1994 Wynton Marsalis Septet Douai Salle André Malraux France

Discography featuring Wycliffe Gordon

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