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  • A Luxuriance of Twyla Tharp

    Posted on May 3rd, 1995 in Review

    Rather than pay tribute to dead choreographers and composers, import guest stars or rush patrons to a dinner where the flower arrangements are as important as the program, American Ballet Theater opted for a change of pace on the gala scene.   Keep reading »

  • My home is the road

    Posted on May 1st, 1995 in Profiles & Interviews

    Take your time.” That’s what Wynton Marsalis always says to the musicians on his bandstand. At a New York City recording session) for his acclaimed big-band suite, _Blood On The Fields_, he reminds vocal soloist Miles Griffith to do just that during the work’s moving climax.   Keep reading »

  • Marsalis dazzles Viterbo Crowd

    Posted on April 24th, 1995 in Review

    The jazz man in the golden suit with the golden horn brought a glorious end Sunday night to Viterbo College’s 1994-95 Bright Star Season. Nothing could be finer than Wynton Marsalis and his sweet golden sound as he serenaded a sellout crowd of 1,100 at Viterbo’s Fine Arts Center Main Theater.   Keep reading »

  • Wynton Marsalis isn’t afraid of controversy

    Posted on April 23rd, 1995 in

    The acclaimed jazzman has never backed down from his assertion that certain American jazz works need to be recognized as canonical.   Keep reading »

  • Marsalis, Roberts renew musical bonds in impromptu reunion

    Posted on April 19th, 1995 in Review

    Two reigning jazz virtuosos were reunited in impromptu fashion Tuesday night, and the results were as profound as they were accessible, as technically brilliant as they were musically direct.   Keep reading »

  • Wynton Marsalis plays with prowess

    Posted on April 18th, 1995 in Review

    After all the talk from and about Wynton Marsalis concerning the scope and nature of his influence on the state of jazz, it was a reaffirming pleasure to hear him at his most articulate with a trumpet in his mouth Monday at the Ted Mann Concert Hall in Minneapolis.   Keep reading »

  • Jazz, he says

    Posted on April 13th, 1995 in Profiles & Interviews

    Wynton Marsalis is a perpetual explorer. The 33-year-old premier jazz trumpeter said he continues to develop his art form by experimenting with musical styles and configuration of groups. Marsalis has played R&B, classical and popular music.   Keep reading »

  • A change of key - His Septet behind him, Marsalis takes a new direction

    Posted on April 9th, 1995 in Profiles & Interviews

    It was one of the most sublime jazz bands of the late ‘80s and early “90s, an ensemble so distinctive in personality, so lustrous in tone and so brilliant in technique as to set a standard toward which other young groups aspired.   Keep reading »

  • Wynton Marsalis at Kennedy Center Concert Hall

    Posted on March 25th, 1995 in Review

    When Wynton Marsalis disbanded his marvelous septet last fall, the jazz trumpeter said he needed more time for composing, teaching and producing. He didn’t say he was going to stop performing live altogether, however, and Wednesday he brought a new group to the Kennedy Center Concert Hall.   Keep reading »

  • Wynton Marsalis and the Jazz Rage

    Posted on March 19th, 1995 in Profiles & Interviews

    Wynton Marsalis, the premier jazz figure of his time, leans against his black baby grand, lovingly explaining the life and legacy of Louis Armstrong to a Brazilian TV crew. The interview was supposed to have ended half an hour ago, but Marsalis waves off his publicist. He is hard into Teacher Wynton mode now, tracing Armstrong year by year from New Orleans to a Chicago ballroom.   Keep reading »