
Video: The Spirit of New Orleans

Click below to watch Wynton’s video tribute to the New Orleans Saints and the Crescent City… “The Spirit of New Orleans”. The video was originally broadcast on CBS during the Super Bowl pre-game show.

Check out the full transcript

The video is also available on Wynton’s channels on:

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  1. I will share this video with the church kids that I work with as we are planning a trip down to NO in June to help rebuild homes with the Episcopal Diocese of LA.

    I was in the audience years ago in NYC when you were recording “Blood on the Fields” for a PBS show. It was wild – I loved it.

    Blessings and peace,M

    Meredith on Mar 3rd, 2010 at 4:11pm

  2. I was glad that the video was finally released; but, i was sad to find the version here is shortened quite a bit. Is there another site that the monolouge can be viewed in it original entirety?

    Thanks again.

    Rick Sauvage on Mar 1st, 2010 at 8:00pm

  3. I love your watch by Movado! I received it for Valentines!

    Michael V Monlyn on Feb 21st, 2010 at 4:54pm