Help get the word out about the opening of “The House of Swing!”
On Monday, October 18, Wynton Marsalis will be interviewed on the Today Show.
Come show your support and help Wynton and Frederick P. Rose Hall get some national publicity by rallying on the Plaza outside the Today Show window at Rockefeller Plaza in New York.
We’ll have signs and lots of laughs.
Although Wynton won’t be interviewed until later in the program, the first hour is important for exposure, so please come early (5:30 am!!) and stay as long as you can.
The show runs from 7am-10am.
Later, at 10:00 AM, join Wynton and other great musicians in a New Orleans style second line parade, complete with hankerchiefs and parasols, from Josie Robertson Plaza at Lincoln Center (65th Street at Broadway) to Jazz at Lincoln Center, Broadway at 60th Street.
please help me! can anyone tell me the name of the song that Wynton opened with on the House of Swing’s opening night? I am desperately trying to remember the title of the song and get a copy of it somehow/where/way. i believe it was something like “Prayer to God”? if anyone can help me, i would greatly appreciate it!
tracy pelkowsk on Jan 3rd, 2005 at 11:54am
Dear R.Paul,
try posting about your collection in our forum.
May be….
Luigi Beverelli on Oct 25th, 2004 at 11:52am
It makes me proud to be witness to such a great accomplishment. Jazz has always been such an intregal part of my life and I’m just overjoyed it has a place to call home. Thank you Wynton Marsalis for your continued diligence in keeping jazz alive
Sonalii on Oct 21st, 2004 at 11:51am
Thanks for the response. May the House of Swing live on forever. It’s hard to believe the acutual period of this era in its prime was between the late 20’s to the mid 40’s. Yes, it continued but the heart of the jazz and swing with the great musicians, band leaders, and untold big bands where within that period. Good luck to Wynton Marsalis and The House of Swing. R. Paul
r. paul on Oct 18th, 2004 at 11:49am
Wynton, you looked great this morning! Full of energy, and a perfect gentleman. Happy birthday. I am sure these next few weeks will be full of music and love. What a legacy you have created for jazz.I look forward to hearing you in person soon. May God bless you.
Joyce Clytus on Oct 18th, 2004 at 11:48am
Luigi Beverelli, I noticed the new addition made to Lincoln Center with Waynton Marsalis, its director. As one 78 years old who has always been interested in the jazz and swing era of music I may be going beyond my expertise but I have collected an extensive collection of 33’s, 78’s, 8-tracks and cassettes relating to this area starting in the early 1900’s to the 1950’s. I was primarily interested in the musicians born in the end of the 19th century and around the turn of the 20th century. These musicians who hit their prime of life in the 20’s, 30’s and 40’s are the end of a generation that traveled, played, and lived a life that generations since including mine born in 1926 would never live that style of life. When I hit my prime, in the middle 40’s after serving in WW11. who group COULD FIND an easier and less harsh way to make a living, able to go on to further schooling and better paying jobs. There would be few if any tGoodmans, James, Dorseys, Armstrong, Prima, Basie, Ellington and countless famous artest to come after them. They would be in professional fields my year and later with the advent of TV, computers and all kind of white collar jobs.
I’m getting to the point in life and would like to find a home for my collection when I part this world. I would hate to break the collection up and make a few bucks here and there. If there is interest in this collection I am open to offers. I had thought of e-bay but never tried it as of yet but may in the future. Let me know either way. Thanks for hearing me out. Appreciate a reply!
Again I and countless millions WW11 veterans are of the great generation but to me the great generation are the ones I stated born at the end of the 19th century and early part of the 20th century. Sincerely, R. Paul
[email protected]
r. paul on Oct 15th, 2004 at 11:41am