Live where you live
Engineer, producer, sound doctor extraordinaire Jeff “The Jedi Master” Jones and I were up ‘till 4 in the morning mixing the DVD and CD of the concert we did with Willie Nelson and Norah Jones. Keep reading »
Swinging with kids at Essentially Ellington 2009
Essentially Ellington is always the highlight of my year. 15 Big Bands of youngsters from all over the country swinging. The kids this year were very socially conscious and the level of musicianship extremely high. Keep reading »
Recording session with Ken Burns
There was everything from hymns to traditional new orleans music to new original compositions to salvation army style brass chorales to Stephen Foster songs. Keep reading »
The New Orleans Suite and the cats (2nd day in NOLA)
We played the New Orleans suite of Duke Ellington yesterday. The jazz tent was full and people were touched by the elegance , insight and depth of duke's vision. There were so many highlights. Keep reading »
Congo Square and jam sessions (first day in NOLA)
We performed Congo Square in the hot hot sun. 2hrs and 20 minutes straight through. The cats were playing with intensity and Odadaa was inspired and bedecked in traditional ghanian garb. Keep reading »
Seven Rungs of Resistance
There are 7 basic rungs of resistance up the ladder of artistic success. I will start from the lowest rung to the highest. Click on the title to read all. Keep reading »