Bold venture is more glorified jam session than fully-achieved work
Wynton Marsalis has made several forays across the jazz-classical divide, but his Concerto in D, which was written for – and, more importantly, with - the violinist Nicola Benedetti, marks a bold new departure. Keep reading »
Swing Symphony World Premiere, JALC’s Barbican Residency Reviewed
During the dates June 9-13, 2010 Wynton and the JLCO premiered “Swing Symphony” (Symphony No. 3) with Sir Simon Rattle and the Berliner Philharmoniker at the Berliner Philharmoniker.
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Wynton Marsalis has turned the hardships of slavery into sublime jazz
A three-hour oratorio about the history of slavery where the audience comes out whistling the tunes has to count as some kind of a triumph. Blood on the Fields by Wynton Marsalis - who wrote both the music and the libretto, and who performs the work at the Barbican on Tuesday with his Lincoln Centre Jazz Orchestra and the three featured vocalists of John Hendricks, Miles Griffith and Cassandra Wilson - is an extraordinary achievement by any standards. Keep reading »