Wynton Marsalis On Democracy As Jazz And The Ever Fonky Lowdown
Democracy takes center stage on Wynton Marsalis’s latest album, The Ever Fonky Lowdown and his forthcoming work, the Democracy Suite. However, he’s been thinking about the connection between jazz and democracy for his entire career. Keep reading »
Wynton Marsalis: how music makes a difference
There is, unsurprisingly, no hint of lockdown sloppiness as the image of Wynton Marsalis appears on the screen of my laptop. The jazz maestro is noted for the sharpness of his appearance as well as his playing, and here he is wearing a suit and tie for our early evening conversation, sitting purposefully next to a piano. Keep reading »
Educada incitación al trumpicidio
El último trabajo de Marsalis, riquísmo y múltiple en lenguas y polifonías, podría calificarse como arte en emergencia. Hay un presentador, Mr. Game, que introduce en estilo predicador y millonario a lo Trump. También la repetida pregunta contemporánea: por qué elegimos al enemigo equivocado. O votar contra nuestros intereses Keep reading »
Wynton Marsalis tackles racial injustice, social decay in the new ‘The Ever Fonky Lowdown’
Once a decade since the mid-80s, Wynton Marsalis steps out a bit and takes his music into the realm of social commentary. He does it well, too—as if there would even be a question. Keep reading »
Wynton Marsalis Says Cultural Con Jobs Began Long Before Trump
As for so many of us, the past several months formed a season of loss for Wynton Marsalis. His father, pianist Ellis Marsalis—who Wynton described on his blog as “a humble man with a lyrical sound”—died on April 1, at 85, from complications of COVID-19. One of his clearest mentors, the writer and critic Stanley Crouch, died on Sept. 16, at 74. Keep reading »
WTF with Marc Maron: Wynton Marsalis
Wynton Marsalis created a profound examination of America, race, class, politics and human impulses with his latest epic composition, The Ever Fonky Lowdown. Keep reading »
The Ever Fonky Lowdown, de Wynton Marsalis: el alegato de un maestro del jazz contra el racismo, el populismo y el abuso de poder
El trompetista editó una ambiciosa obra conceptual en la que advierte sobre el peligro que corre la libertad en la actualidad. Keep reading »
The Ever Fonky Lowdown - I Know I Must Fight…
An in-depth analysis of the libretto and lyrics of Wynton Marsalis’s funky jazz parable Keep reading »
El trompetista y compositor estadounidense Wynton Marsalis lanza “The Ever Fonky Lowdown”, obra musical sobre la libertad democrática, el abuso de poder, el racismo y la corrupción.
Interpretada por la orquesta Jazz at Lincoln Center, con Wynton Marsalis en composición y trompeta, y la participación de los cantantes Christie Dashiell, Ashley Pezzotti, Camille Thurman y Doug Wamble, “The Ever Fonky Lowdown”, obra conceptual emotiva y poderosa que fuera presentada recientemente en vivo en el Lincoln Center de Nueva York, cuenta con el actor Wendell Pierce (“The Wire”, “Treme”, “Jac Ryan”) como narrador. Keep reading »
Wynton Marsalis Gives Us ‘The Ever Fonky Lowdown’ On A Divided America
In the midst of a global pandemic, mass protests over racial injustice and a bitter election battle, it often feels like Americans are more divided than ever. Luckily, one composer has music that meets the moment. Keep reading »