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  • Secrets of greatness: How I work

    Posted on March 10th, 2006 in Profiles & Interviews | 2

    You don’t want trumpet players and musicians being your primary business decision-makers. It’s not possible for me to do that and write music, program the season, and conduct the band. I really do let people do their jobs, so when we come together, we know what each is supposed to do. But I weigh in on everything.

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  • Jazz at Lincoln Center Plans More ‘Sweep’ in New Season

    Posted on March 10th, 2006 in Profiles & Interviews | 3

    Conservatism has been the charge most often leveled at Jazz at Lincoln Center by its critics over the years. So it is significant that the organization’s next season, its third since it established a permanent home in the Time Warner Center at Columbus Circle, advances the theme “Innovations in Jazz.”

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  • Shaken but Not Broken

    Posted on February 19th, 2006 in Profiles & Interviews

    The impact of Katrina really hit me when I couldn’t find the restaurant that serves my favorite po’ boy sandwiches. I was in the Uptown area, looking for Mandina’s. But everything around it was devastated. So I kept driving back and forth and looking—even though I also knew that if I did find it, there was no way in the world it would be open.

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  • Wynton’s interview and photo from Yokohama

    Posted on February 16th, 2006 in Profiles & Interviews | 1

    YOKOHAMA, Japan—Wynton was halfway through an explanation of whether he thinks his hometown, New Orleans, will ever really come back from the devastation of last summer’s Hurricane Katrina when he stopped and shifted direction. He got stranded in Chicago, he said, on his way over to Japan for a week of workshops for kids. With nowhere in particular to go, he just naturally hooked up with another New Orleans native living there.

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  • Musician Wants to Bring Music Back to New Orleans

    Posted on February 4th, 2006 in Profiles & Interviews

    New Orleans is known around the world as a birthplace of jazz. Hurricane Katrina scattered many of the city’s musicians and artists across the country. Fewer than 300 of the city’s pre-Katrina population of over 2,000 musicians have returned. But the city, as part of its recovery effort, is trying to get more of them back.
    Revitalizing the culture of New Orleans is the goal of the Bring Back New Orleans Cultural committee.

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  • Wynton’s woes

    Posted on January 27th, 2006 in Profiles & Interviews | 1

    Wynton Marsalis is the first jazz musician to win the Pulitzer Prize in music. He’s got a basketful of Grammys. And he’s become the music director of the Lincoln Center Jazz Orchestra, which lands in Chicago for two gigs this weekend.
    So is there anything he can’t do? You bet. He can’t get his kids to stay awake during a symphony concert.

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  • Wynton sounds off - Marsalis expounds on post-Katrina creativity, the Bring New Orleans Back Commission and all that jazz

    Posted on January 24th, 2006 in Profiles & Interviews

    Wynton Marsalis, the most prominent New Orleans jazz trumpeter since Louis Armstrong, first toured Hurricane Katrina’s devastation in October. His take on the state of the city? “We’re in bad shape,” he said, “but it was better than I thought it was, based on what I’d heard.”   Keep reading »

  • Transcript form Wynton’s interview for Fox News Sunday

    Posted on December 27th, 2005 in Profiles & Interviews

    The holiday spirit alive and well in New Orleans. It’s been almost four months since Hurricane Katrina of ravaged the Gulf Coast. Now residents and businesses are slowly returning to New Orleans.

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  • Interview: From Marsalis, Jazz Profiles in Verse for Kids

    Posted on November 17th, 2005 in Profiles & Interviews

    Wynton Marsalis has put down his horn and picked up his pen for his latest project. It’s a book called “Jazz A-B-Z,” and in it Marsalis shares his deep knowledge of jazz in all its forms with children. Marsalis jitterbugs his way through the alphabet profiling 26 jazz legends through a variety of poetic forms.   Keep reading »

  • Maestro Marsalis

    Posted on November 17th, 2005 in Profiles & Interviews

    Wynton Marsalis marries jazz and classical music like no one else. SOME years ago, surveying the historic divide between classical music and pop, a critic observed, “Jazz, once the arch-fiend threatening the whole fabric of musical society, is now allowed to be respectable, as a sort of first cousin to serious music who prefers to live apart.”   Keep reading »