Wynton will be Northwestern’s 151st commencement speaker
On June 19, 2009, Wynton will speak at Northwestern University‘s 151st commencement and receive an honorary doctor of arts degree. He also will address graduates at the Henry and Leigh Bienen School of Music convocation June 20.
looking for jay claster
wondering if this is the jay claster son of aaron & miriam claster of pa. if so, I am a distant cousin. my father morton herr of california was a cousin to miriam. I am looking for history on the family of heyman herr miriam’s father, my grandfather was george herr of calif. the father of morton herr in calif.
please email if I have made the right connection. I had visited miriam in the early 1980’s at state college her home.
thank you lisa herr
lisa herr on Sep 6th, 2009 at 6:49pm
We were two grandparents at the recent NWU graduation which honored you…and you honored us. As with everything you do, your “Be appropriate to the occasion” was in perfect taste, with a touch of humor and warmth. Thank you.
Jay B Claster on Jun 25th, 2009 at 9:18pm
I loved your speech! It was the best commencement speech I’ve ever heard. I just wish we could have heard all of it. Thank you so much.
Katie on Jun 25th, 2009 at 9:47am
I agree! Your speech was one of the best parts of the ceremony (second only to when all hell broke lose with the storm) even in its abbreviated form, and I’d love to hear the whole thing.
Kasia Hayden
Kasia Hayden on Jun 24th, 2009 at 6:30pm
I graduated this year and absolutely loved you speech, but was disappointed that it had to be abbreviated. Is there any possibility of you posting a transcript or, better yet, a video recording of the full speech? It would be very much appreciated.
Thanks a lot!
Kyle Jacobson
Kyle Jacobson on Jun 23rd, 2009 at 7:12pm