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Wynton to play and speak in Atlanta

Wynton now is in Atlanta to rehearse with his quintet and members of Atlanta Simphony Orchestra.
On Saturday, July 19, 2008 at 7:00 p.m. at the Woodruff Arts Center – Symphony Hall, they will perform music from the CDs “The Midnight Blues” and “Hot House Flowers”, featuring Wynton, Walter Blanding on saxophone, Dan Nimmer on piano, Carlos Henriquez on bass, and Ali Jackson on drums.
On July 20, Princeton professor Cornel West and Wynton sit down to discuss artists and the Civil Rights continuum with Carrie Mae Weems.

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  1. Wynton,

    First of all, let me say that the Concert with the ASO and the Dialog were both just incredible experiences for me. The concert was such an uplifiting event, and I really enjoyed the way you allowed the audiance to be a part of the concert by conversing with us. The ASO and your tremendously talented group of musicians made the night one that I will not forget. As for the Dialog with Ms Sele, Ms Weems and Dr. West and yourself, thanks for taking the time to help each of us understand ourselves and each other better. I very much respect and agree with Dr. West on most positions. I believe his wriiting and talks have brought the world to a better understanding of what is truth in the U.S. and beyond. I do though separate from him on the issue concerning the American Flag. Without going into lengthy dialog here, I would like to include a website that I believe will support my position. -While I am aware that Sergeant William Carney had more than nationalism at stake in carrying the flag, I believe he would not have been compelled to do so without a love for it. Once again thanks for a most memorable couple of days and I look forward to seeing you in November.

    Peace and Love

    Scott Tallant on Jul 23rd, 2008 at 9:22am

  2. The concert on Friday night was excellent. From the opening of a spirited version of “Cherokee” to a rousing rendition of “Second Line”, Wynton and the boys were exceptional. The selections played with ASO, particularly “Django” were simply beautiful. My niece thorouhly enjoyed herself (this was her first Wynton concert) and even more so, enjoyed meeting Wynton afterwards. Thank you Carlos and Dan for being so generous with your time with her Friday night at the High Museum.

    Sonalii on Jul 21st, 2008 at 7:06pm

  3. Beautiful, thank you.

    Karen on Jul 21st, 2008 at 3:01pm

  4. And here is a video clip from the discussion with Carrie Mae Weems

    Luigi on Jul 21st, 2008 at 6:13am

  5. Wynton,

    Good luck to tonight with the Atlanta Symphony. I hope hearing them alongside your excellent quintet will inspire you in your creation of the new piece to be premiered in November.

    The talk tomorrow looks extremely interesting. At this time, I am handling my business so I will not be in attendance. Perhaps we can read a transcript here on the site, that feature always keeps us connected with the current development of your ideas.

    Thanks so much for writing the Congo Square piece. This past week, while I was working with an artist from Africa, he actually said that America has no culture. Due to my understanding of your artistic platform and your cultural advocacy, I was able to articulte a response that brings home cultural values here in America and was inclusive of our roots steeped in the African cultural forms. I love that you always assert the originality of American musical forms. You do represent us so well.

    Take care, Maestro.

    I hope to see you again soon,

    Karen on Jul 19th, 2008 at 3:03pm