
Jazz ABZ wins the 2006 Bologna Ragazzi Special Award

Jazz ABZ, written by Wynton Marsalis and illustratred by Paul Rogers, is the Winner of the 2006 Bologna Ragazzi Special Award: Words and Music.

This is a special section for books on music to mark the 250th anniversary of the birth of W. A. Mozart, who lived in Bologna while studying at the Conservatoire.

BolognaRagazzi 2006 is promoted by the Bologna Children’s Book Fair in collaboration with Ibby Italia. Among the most prestigious international awards conferred each year to the children’s publishers.

Jazz ABZ is available on

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  1. Wynton is 44

    Luigi Beverelli on Mar 29th, 2006 at 11:47am

  2. what’s the age of wynton marsalis?

    cinthia on Mar 28th, 2006 at 6:09pm

  3. Yay, yay, yay!

    I just knew multiple awards would be coming. Everything that man touches turns to gold.

    My favorite poem is the one on Sidney Bechet; its complexity captures Bechet’s persona and demonstrates the workings of Wynton’s mind. Such acute mental dexterity eveident here and lovely rhythmic flow; the transotions from stanza to stanza are seamless UNLIKE the friggin transitions in the “Magic Hour”! But that’s another train of thought…

    LOVE the King Oliver poem. Sassy, smart, cocky, rhythmic playing of the dozens fully consistent with African American oral traditions but also, as with the overwhelming majority of the poems, HIP HOP drenched!

    The Sarah Vaughan poem is thick in the emotion, adoration and respect/veneration. This poem is fileld with love and tenderness.

    Would love to hear Art Blakey performed.

    What do you think of the artwork?


    Jurzy Girl on Mar 25th, 2006 at 9:55pm