Watch “Chops documentary” trailer
Each year the best high school jazz bands from across the United States compete at the prestigious Essentially Ellington Festival. Hosted by Wynton, this high-profile event offers an impressive preview of emerging jazz talents. In this documentary, filmmaker Brice Broder turns his lens on one Florida band who might just have what it takes to hit all the right notes and take home top honors at the world renowned jazz festival. Here you can watch to the trailer of this documentary.
Does anyone know if the DVD of this is available for purchase anywhere? Thanks!
EJ on Apr 28th, 2009 at 2:41pm
How can I obtain a copy of “Chops” in Southern Califoria?
Jim Carr on Feb 17th, 2009 at 10:43pm
As someone who competed at this festival, I would love to be able to purchase this somewhere if at all possible. That was a fantastic weekend, and it would be great to watch it all from the beginning.
TM on Sep 30th, 2007 at 4:35pm
You got any Hall High School in there? I was at EE in ‘01 and ‘02 and our band ran the show… I’m not seein us anywhere on this… what the.
Noah on Aug 3rd, 2007 at 9:37am
Dear Luigi, thanks.
Could you please be kind and give my answers to Mr.Marsalis?.
A.- PAIDEIA. Paideia and ethos (what else in a school?!).
To excel myself; as well as teacher’s guidande.
Excellence in school,
Excellence in music school.
B.- My VOICE (also, very much focused on Jazz culture and art theory).
C.- JAZZ, jazz….and still jazz. That’s all.
MTS on Jul 8th, 2007 at 7:13am
Dear MTS,
This will be hard to answer without more info. What are you looking for in a music school?
What instrument do you play?
What type of jazz is your specialty?
Luigi Beverelli on Jul 5th, 2007 at 4:48pm
Whitin three years Berklee School of Music will open a delegation in my country (first they open outside of the States), will you consider Berklee more focused for jazz students or Juilliard?.
MTS on Jul 4th, 2007 at 6:28am
Could I screen this film at a music festival in RI in late October??
Michelle on Jun 10th, 2007 at 2:40am
Beauuuuuuutiful indeed!
I can imagine how it all was, and how did all they felt. Happy people.
careba on May 8th, 2007 at 6:36pm
Hope we can view more. It’s always interesting to observe teachers coaching from behind the scenes because we never really know what will happen on stage! These students are so gifted! Glo.
gloria on May 8th, 2007 at 1:00pm
Dear Karen,
the documentary still is not available for purchase now.
We’ll let you know if it will be soon…
Luigi on May 8th, 2007 at 11:28am
This looks great. Can we purchase it anywhere?
Karen on May 8th, 2007 at 11:02am