Wynton’s Blog

Trump-Biden Debate 2024

(AP Photo/Gerald Herbert)

I have been receiving calls all day to opine on last night’s debate.

Here is my take:

Two seniors far past their prime lacking the overview, discipline, sophistication, and humility to step down for the good of the country and the world.
One is lost and roaming around the neighborhood wearing pajamas (holding a clip board with information too small for him to see) babbling nonsense that confounds any and all translation. The other is suffering from angry dementia blaming “outsiders” for violating his long dead great grandma (who he thinks is still alive) but who actually died from cholera a century ago.

But, so far as us being the laughingstock of the world. Look around. No one is really in any position to laugh. They all have their own circuses to tent. Please God, help us all.

- Wynton

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